Radu Toma

Radu Toma

I am a post-doc at Institut de mathémathiques de Jussieu IMJ-PRG, working in the Automorphic Forms group with Farrell Brumley, funded by a Cofund MathInGreaterParis fellowship.

Research interests: automorphic forms in higher rank and the sup-norm problem and other topics in number theory, geometry of numbers, cryptography.

I finished my doctoral studies with Valentin Blomer at the University of Bonn in September 2024. Here is my CV. You can reach me at
radu.toma (a rond) imj-prg (point) fr

Publications and preprints

Notes etc.

Comments and suggestions for any of my writings are very welcome!

Current & Upcoming Activities

Past Activities


Radu Toma
Bureau: 1525-438
IMJ-PRG, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris, France