I am a post-doc at Institut de mathémathiques de Jussieu IMJ-PRG, working in the Automorphic Forms group with Farrell Brumley, funded by a Cofund MathInGreaterParis fellowship.
Research interests: automorphic forms in higher rank, quantum chaos, topics in number theory, geometry of numbers, cryptography.
I finished my doctoral studies with Valentin Blomer at the University of Bonn in September 2024.
Here is my CV. You can reach me at
radu.toma |arobase| imj-prg |dot| fr
Publications and preprints
Estimates for representation numbers of binary quadratic forms and Apollonian circle packings,
Journal of Number Theory, vol. 214, September 2020, pp.
Notes etc.
The sup-norm problem for automorphic forms in higher rank,
Doctoral thesis, University of Bonn. It's the two papers above plus a useful introduction, I hope.
The spectral theory of automorphic forms on SL(2, Z),
Part III Essay, University of Cambridge. This essay presents a proof of the spectral theorem for SL(2, Z).
The arithmetic of binary quadratic forms,
Bachelor's thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. This thesis presents the theory of binary quadratic forms with a focus on representation numbers, non-fundamental discriminants, and an application to Apollonian circle packings.
Comments and suggestions for any of my writings are very welcome!
Current & Upcoming Activities
Talk at London Number Theory Seminar
UCL, February 12th 2025
Past Activities
Talk at Séminaire Arithmétique
Lille, January 23rd 2025
Talk at N Cube XXI Conference
Kiel, November 29th 2024
Talk at Séminaire Formes Automorphes IMJ-PRG
Paris, November 18th 2024
Talk at Séminaire d'Arithmétique à Lyon
November 14th 2024
Talk at the Texas A&M Number Theory Seminar
Online, 26.03.2024
Talk at the Renyi Number Theory Seminar
Budapest, 7.03.2024
Video for 3blue1brown's Sommer of Math Exposition:
The video explains in an accessible way (high-school / first-year uni level) how roots of unity and cyclotomic polynomials can help us solve a problem about comparing weights of several objects simultaneously.
Radu Toma
Bureau: 1525-438
IMJ-PRG, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris, France