I am a post-doc at Institut de mathémathiques de Jussieu IMJ-PRG, working in the Automorphic Forms group with Farrell Brumley, funded by a Cofund MathInGreaterParis fellowship.
Research interests: automorphic forms in higher rank and the sup-norm problem and other topics in number theory, geometry of numbers, cryptography.
I finished my doctoral studies with Valentin Blomer at the University of Bonn in September 2024.
Here is my CV. You can reach me at
radu.toma (a rond) imj-prg (point) fr
Publications and preprints
Estimates for representation numbers of binary quadratic forms and Apollonian circle packings,
Journal of Number Theory, vol. 214, September 2020, pp.
Notes etc.
The sup-norm problem for automorphic forms in higher rank,
Doctoral thesis, University of Bonn. It's the two papers above plus a useful introduction, I hope.
The spectral theory of automorphic forms on SL(2, Z),
Part III Essay, University of Cambridge. This essay presents a proof of the spectral theorem for SL(2, Z).
The arithmetic of binary quadratic forms,
Bachelor's thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. This thesis presents the theory of binary quadratic forms with a focus on representation numbers, non-fundamental discriminants, and an application to Apollonian circle packings.
Comments and suggestions for any of my writings are very welcome!
Current & Upcoming Activities
Talk at Séminaire Arithmétique
Lille, January 23rd 2025
Talk at London Number Theory Seminar
UCL, February 12th 2025
Past Activities
Talk at N Cube XXI Conference
Kiel, November 29th 2024
Talk at Séminaire Formes Automorphes IMJ-PRG
Paris, November 18th 2024
Talk at Séminaire d'Arithmétique à Lyon
November 14th 2024
Talk at the Texas A&M Number Theory Seminar
Online, 26.03.2024
Talk at the Renyi Number Theory Seminar
Budapest, 7.03.2024
Video for 3blue1brown's Sommer of Math Exposition:
The video explains in an accessible way (high-school / first-year uni level) how roots of unity and cyclotomic polynomials can help us solve a problem about comparing weights of several objects simultaneously.
Radu Toma
Bureau: 1525-438
IMJ-PRG, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Paris, France